Rojo does it different

This Blog is gonna be different.I am an independent thinker and many of my ideas are not shared by the Pretty people, so be it. You are going to meet some interesting people, see some interesting places and with a bit of luck I will be able to bring a smile to your face ever now and then. Rojo

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Crossed the snake twice and still going.

It was really cool last night, had to get out the snugly velux blanket.  We got a pretty decent start for us, in fact we had coffee on the go. Only took us about an hour or so to cross the Snake river for the first time that day. We were out of Lewiston,ID and In Clarkston,WA before we knew it

You talk about a change in scenery from mountains, with Forest to Desert,  just almost that quick. There is a lot to be said for the Desert but in Eastern Washington you have to look mighty hard to find it.

We stayed on U.S. 12 to Waitsburg ,where we Stopped and made us a good breakfast. Jeanie was still in to lots of Bacon grease then. The eggs were cook in bacon grease and we had biscuits and gravy to go with it.  Then we rolled on State road 124 to Burbank ,WA where  we crossed the Snake River again, at just about where it joins the Columbia River at U.S. 12./ Infernal State 82 Northbound. At Prosser we  took State Road 22 almost to Yakima. Just as we were leaving Yakima on U.S.12 we saw a fruit stand with Walla Walla onions , local apples and several other items.  It was all on the honor system, just leave your money in the box. They had rocks painted like Red and Green apples. You know how Jeanie is about rocks, she had to have a red and green rock. We bought a bag of onions and some apples. I got an envelope and a note pad  out of Jeanie's Bottle to put the money in with a note that said. " Got a bag of onions and apples. We also got a green rock and a red rock, would have gotten a yellow one too, but you didn't have any. We left a buck for each rock if we owe more just send us a bill.

We were Back in Pretty country again, running along side of the Tieton River.We eased along up the hill enjoying ever second of the drive

We have been up, down, over, around and now under and through. Just the other side of the tunnel was a wide turn out, we pulled over and called it a day.

Tomorrow: Strange pictures and Glenomaer and Mortoner.

I plan to have a great day, I hope you will join me
Thanks for coming by to check on us.


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