The Earthquake today rattle our cage a little. It started out mild and kept getting more severe until it got to what I would guess to be around a 4 then it started to decrease again. It lasted about a minute. Most of the shakers around here last from 5-20 seconds. No damage here 200 miles north of the epicenter.
aahhhh, Chatting with Juan Valdez and eating Watermelon for breakfast.... Life is good :-) We jumped on the Infernal-state West for about 2 miles and then jumped back off on U.S. 6/191. Up to Price and Helper and stayed on U.S. 191 at the split. Over the mountain and in to the middle of a Trail Drive about 1/2 way to Duchesne.
Time to shut er down when you have a herd of cattle scattered across the road. If you dont have any I -DEE how much damage a 600 pound steer can do to a front bumper, when you hit him in the butt at 60 miles an hour I can sure as heck tell you. I can also tell you It is not a lot of fun crawling around on a dark New Mexico back road in the steer poop, blood and guts trying to get the bumper off the truck on a cold November 10th night.
Just turn off the engine and set and enjoy the view. This is beautiful country and we sure didn't mind spending a little longer here.
Nice looking Mother cows and calf crop.
Where you have cows , you will find cowboys.
And where you find Cowboys you find Cowgirls.
Jeanie had never seen a cattle drive before and she was very excited. I was happy that she had gotten to see something that she never expected to see. It brought back a lot of memories. When I was still at home on the farm/ranch, we usually only moved our cattle a mile or two and most of the time just did it on foot. Sometimes we would catch ole Red and saddle him up but for the most part he was just a pain in the butt. He had belonged to my uncle and had been a race horse, who couldn't cut the mustard , My uncle gave him to us. Old Red like to run and a cow didn't have a chance , unless she turned, ole red just wanted to keep going straight ahead.
We didn't have much trouble finding where the trail drive came on the highway from the holding pens in the Forrest. The road got a lot greener with cow poop and we had a good amount on our mud flaps when we stopped for the night.
we continued on U.S. 191 through Roosevelt and the beautiful little town of Vernal. We made a super wally world stop at Vernal and stocked up on groceries.
Now I really hate to tell this story but If I dont Jeanie will, so I might just as well go on and fess up. We were really enjoying Vernal, they have one of the most beautiful downtown area I have ever seen. Flowers hanging everywhere and some hiding the road signs.
We were talking about the trail drive and why I am not a big fan of Horse back riding, how pretty the drive had been that day, and how pretty Vernal was.
We came up to a roadside rest and thought it might be a great time to facilitate.I always thought that's what you were suppose to do when you pull in to the road side rest areas that says facilities.
Long about this time I see a sign that says WELCOME TO COLORADO.what the heck we aint suppose to be in Colorado, we are suppose to be in Utah. When I was rubber necking around in down town vernal, I missed my turn.O well we will just get to see the same 30 miles all over again. :-)
When we got back to vernal we made the right turn and headed for Flaming Gorge. Another beautiful drive and when we started down into the gorge, we just flip on ole Jake and set back and enjoyed the scenery
When we got to the junction on U.S. 191 and State 44 we took state 44 to Manila, right on the Wyoming state line. It had been another fun day but I really needed to clean the reminder of the trail drive off my mud flaps.
Tomorrow: the first J,C. Penny store and on to Idaho
I plan to have a great day, I hope you will join me.
Thanks for coming by to check on us.