Rojo does it different

This Blog is gonna be different.I am an independent thinker and many of my ideas are not shared by the Pretty people, so be it. You are going to meet some interesting people, see some interesting places and with a bit of luck I will be able to bring a smile to your face ever now and then. Rojo

Tuesday, March 23, 2010



 Another shoot completed without to much hassle about my new hours of operation, a good nights sleep. Now it was time to get started with  moving the tools and equipment to the new trailer. I got Junior to round up a couple of his friends and we all got started. I was mostly pointing and instructing, With Jeanie's approval of course.

We took everything out of the Igloo and put it in the Whale. The  Igloo was moved to the back of the new trailer for a test run. Mark one on the wall for our team that worked. 

Next Junior and one of his friends  set the 3 blue bench/cabinets in the Igloo to decide where I wanted to mount which piece of equipment. 

The other guy was helping me take the tools and equipment out of the old trailer and put it in the big tent in case it rained. Good idea, It rained off and on for about 2 days. No problem we were in the dry and so was all the tools, equipment and inventory. We moved the old trailer out of the way and called it a day.

The next morning we set all of the equipment on the benches where I thought I wanted them, then backed off and looked it over. We moved a couple of pieces and and called it good.

I left Junior and the guys drilling and bolting equipment to the benches, while Jeanie and I went to town on a special mission.

It was Jeanie's 51st Birthday. I had planned a Birthday party on the clubs covered patio. We were going  to grill steak and chicken, family  and friends were bringing baked beans, potato salad, other goodies and we were going to have cake and Ice cream.

I wanted Jeanie to pick her own cake. She found a chocoholic's  dream come true.3 layers of  triple chocolate cake with fudge chocolate icing in between and over the out side. They decorated it for us while we finished our shopping.
A happy girl, Birthdays are her favorite holiday. She was not suppose to make it to 15. Today, April 24,2004, she is 51

Some of the family and friends.
We had a fun time at her party but we called it an early night

The shotgun accessories would all be mounted on the 4 display racks, 2 on each side of the new vendor trailer.That was  a given so I could concentrate on the placement of the rest of the stuff.

The next morning I went out to check on the positioning of the equipment on the benches. The guys had done an excellent job, everything was secure. 

The next thing was to figure out how I wanted to load it all in the trailer.  I knew for sure the last thing in and the first thing out was the Igloo. The Igloo was constructed  so that it dissembled into a small space. The benches/cabinets were next to last and the rest didn't really matter.It was beginning to come together.
The display racks were in place without the white tarps behind them. The tarps would be replaced with with wood  when we returned in the Fall. The inside of the trailer would be completed with electrical wiring and lights and the back enclosed  except for an entry door.

Inside at the front would be the enclosed " dirty work"  room ,with an exhaust fan. Sanding the wooden stocks and fitting the rubber Shotgun recoil pads made a big mess. The really big offender was grinding the aluminum  adjustable  butt plate that fit the end of the stock. The air would be filled with tiny particles of aluminum dust. We just didn't have time to finish it all now before we needed to be out of central Texas.

Shell carriers, hull bags ,gloves and many other Shotgun sport" must haves" hanging in the new vendor trailer.
 Shotgun cleaning supplies, If you shoot you have to clean.
Belts, hand towels, sights, goodies and gadgets. Over all I was pleased with the way it all turned out for a temporary fix. I would much prefer to have had it all inside to start with but I could "Make do" for a few months.

Tomorrow: On the road with the new Trailer.

I plan to have a great day, I hope you will join me.

Thanks for checking on us.


  1. Jeanie said thanks. In real time she will be 57 in one month.

    Thanks for checking on us Gypsy

